Miss Samoa New South Wales Inc.

Meet the ContestantsAbout Us

What We Do

Miss Samoa NSW is to emphasize beauty, style and cultural appreciation. The MSNSW is a personal development opportunity for Samoan women all over New South Wales in Australia. The delegates who become part of the Miss Samoa NSW will gain confidence and poise in an increasingly competitive world. The pageant affords each delegate the opportunity to grow and advance her personal and career goals while acting as a role model for her community.


Our Purpose is to bring the Samoan Community together on a single platform that celebrates the beauty, culture, creativity and fashion of our diverse community.

Our Focus

The Miss Samoa NSW Pageant represents the following fundamentals of our community : Healthy living – spiritual/faith, mental, social and physical; Community services; Culture; Self-confidence; Creativeness; as well as Career/Educational achievements among young women or ‘Tamaitai Samoa”.

Our goal is to teach, encourage, motivate and lift young Samoan-Australian women to become strong, independent and ambitious young ladies who can achieve anything if their mindset is right. 

We believe that this Platform will provide a safe and happy environment with young women of positive attitudes, self-respect, love and respect others, and finally, great role models fulfilling their God-given gifts and purpose in life, not just beauty or a crown!


About Miss Samoa NSW

Miss Samoa NSW is to emphasize beauty, style and cultural appreciation. The MSNSW is a personal development opportunity for Samoan women all over New South Wales in Australia. The delegates who become part of the Miss Samoa NSW will gain confidence and poise in an increasingly competitive world. The pageant affords each delegate the opportunity to grow and advance her personal and career goals while acting as a role model for her community.

A Message from Fetui, Our Current Miss Samoa NSW

Warm greetings to all my sisters who are vying for this year’s Miss Samoa New South Wales 2020. As your reigning Miss Samoa NSW I am honored and privileged to see you take the journey and path I had taken last year.

You will find your identity as a Samoan Tamai’tai and embrace our rich traditions through the story telling, the siva, the songs and fashion that makes the MSNSW unique. Take pride for you now belong to a beautiful sisterhood, a ‘Tapuaiga o Tamaitai’ that has a bond that cannot be diminished.

As we come through uncertain times with COVID -19, I believe through our heavenly Father we will stand stronger together and help each other through tough times.

Welcome to the MSNSW 2021 Pageant, as this is only my welcoming note to you, be strong and stay focused, of what the task that lies ahead. As the theme for this years Pageant ‘E mama’e le tavae i ona fulu’ – “The Tavae bird takes pride of its feathers” so shall you take pride with your Samoan culture and Traditions.

Ia manuia le fa’agatama o le a tou alo atu iai, ia tautai mai e le Atua le tatou faamoemoe ina ia taunuu ma le manuia

Faafetai Faafetai Faafetai Lava

Fetui Tu’eTu’e
Miss Samoa NSW 2020

Meet our Contestants

Miss Samoa 2021 Events

“Due to COVID19 restrictions a majority of our events have been put on hold until further notice”


Fetui Gaye Nofosao Tuetue

Miss Samoa NSW, 2019 - 2022

Retalila Christie Temareti

Miss Samoa NSW, 2017 - 2018

Faumuina Fasi Faitafa Pauhulu Liolevave

Miss Samoa NSW, 2016 - 2017

Taylah Jane Scanlan-Atoni

Miss Samoa NSW, 2015 - 2016

Afiogatuutasioaiga Jessica Taulaga

Miss Samoa NSW, 2014 - 2015

Rosina Paulo (RIP)

Miss Samoa NSW, 2005

Our Office

22/10 Bridge Street
Granville NSW 2142

Contact Us

+61 431 017 040

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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